• Could laughter be the Ho-Ho-Holiest medicine?
  • Since we live in a holographic universe, once we find peace within ourselves, will this peace naturally be reflected back to us as a peaceful world?
  • Is it possible to use intense anxiety, fear, or anger to help propel us to Awaken from our collective nightmare by using the type of laughter described in this book?
  • This book is a spiritual comedy about the Cosmic Joke (described in detail in the book) we are playing on ourselves that can help us laugh our way to a Heaven on Earth.

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The Ho-Ho-Holiest Medicine

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What is the difference between ordinary laughter and Ho-Ho-Holy Laughter?

Laughter is the Universal language that warms the heart and brings people (and animals) together. Although ordinary laughter may be helpful, Ho-Ho-Holy Laughter has long-term transformational power to help us become the masters ...

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Changing the World Through Ho-Ho-Holy Laughter

Studies have shown that laughter can change our brain wave frequencies to the same frequencies seen in highly experienced Tibetan monks. Another study showed that powerful meditation miraculously reduced the crime rate in Washington DC. Putting these studies together, we can extrapolate that, since laughter has the same effect on brainwave frequency…

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LaughGnosisTM for Rapid Change

LaughGnosis is a rapid and fun way of awakening to our Divine Power. With all the hatred and chaos in today’s world, we need a rapid way of awakening to our True Power to help heal our world. LaughGnosis combines Ho-Ho-Holy Laughter with Hypnosis to achieve Gnosis…

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About Dr. Mitchell Bloom

For the past thirty-plus years, Dr. Bloom has been on a journey of unraveling how to heal our mind in order to help heal ourselves and our world. His journey took a big step forward while sitting for a ten-day Vipassana meditation ...

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